v Assignment paper:E-C-304 English Language Teaching-1
v Topic : Teaching of English: A plea for practical Attitude
v Student’s Name : Gandhi Pooja S.
v Roll No : 08
v URL : gandhipooja151011.blogspot.com
v Semester : 3
v Batch : 2010-11
Submitted to,
Mr. Devarshi Mehta
Department of English
Bhavnagar University
Ø Teaching of English: a neutral language of communication
Abstract: - English in India can be teaching as a second language. It is important to develop positive approach to teach English as a second language. To teach the second language need based, flexibility and pre-knowledge can be adopted in communication.
English has been adopted as a second language but the researcher tries to convey that though, English is rules as second language but it becomes the link language of two different countries. English is used to develop mutual communication and coexistence after freedom struggle as well as before freedom struggle also. In India, our most of the works can be done in English language, though our national language is Hindi on paper. We adopted English as our official language. It helps in higher education, in politics, in railway system, in postal service, etc. in all these places English used to communicate. Hindi can be available but generally people use English to grow in second language.
In present condition, English can be our lingua franca for communicate with other countries. Different countries have different languages to communicate but generally they know English as first or second language. English plays as a link language in political or historical areas also English speakers grows more and more in past three decades. English becomes first choice for second language learners in many countries.
In India, English used as an official language instead of Hindi, the people of India adopted English as an official language because English people can easily learn Hindi that is why, when Englishers left, we accepted Hindi as our official language but now in modern time English becomes our official language because in higher education, in bank services, all the systems are used on English or mother tongue. Generally, the learners of second language prefer English, because they thought that if they can speak or write English, their status grows higher.
The second language can also easily medium of translation. If other learner does not know their mother tongue or other language at that time you can translate. It into English and serve to the learner. English plats vital role of power.
E.g.in “The Black Skin, White Masks”, fanon conveys the same message that English plays the role of power. In Britain also, he describes in the chapter-2 and 3 about the racism crisis. He added that the black woman wants to mart Whiteman and she describes that because of the man’s eyes and skin. She wants to marry the Whiteman but, as a Whiteman he rejects her idea because she is black and she has more than one language that is her mother tongue, colonial language and mix-up of two, other third language. So, Whiteman has English language to communicate so, they feel superior to black woman.
The researcher wants to say that though English is our second language and our mother tongue influence is always on it but we have to change our attitude towards English. In education system, 1960 to 1970 English is optional subject, at that time we learn English from 8th standard. But now, English comes from 5th standard. Therefore, positive attitude towards English as a second language can be developed.
English as a neutral language of communication and so teach, English in addition to the mother tongue means with learner’s cultural and intellect. To develop student’s (learner’s) views according to English, teach them the second language with the influence of culture and their own language. The second language learning is not the same as in Britain that, if learners learn new language as second language learning, then they forget their mother tongue. In India we have somehow opposite situation because, we learn English as a second language, with influence of mother tongue. So, the question about forgetting mother tongue is not with Indian language learners.
The researcher wants to say, that each of us willing to contribute to our second important language, then take it as positive learning language. If we learn English, it becomes easily to us to communicate other countries people. Teach the second language, as we have teaching of mother tongue. It will help us to communicate. For teaching well of second language, we want to concentrate on what our learners wants to learn from the facilitator. Need based learning, pre-knowledge, and flexibility of approach. These three things can improve learner’s mentality about second language. In Need language learning, facilitator has to take in to consideration about the basic needs of learners. In this also what both the gender wants from the facilitator, the facilitator must follow it. E.g. what learners to learn, you have to follow it. In science, the learners what to learn more about practical things related to science but instead of it, we have course like that, students of science have to learn English literature. Therefore, they are t more interested towards English as language.
As a student of science, he/she wants to learn about the word that is used in science rather than, they are interested in English as a literature. We have this type of system in our syllabus. Therefore, the students of science generally are not good at English. Therefore, in need based learning, what the learners wants to learn and what will be helpful for student to learn more, the facilitator follows it.
Second, pre-knowledge about the topic, When the facilitator teacher any new topic of learning second language at that time, first check the pre knowledge of learner about the topic. If they are capable to learn new thing, then, teach new about the topic, if learners are unaware about the topic then first teach them, something about basic knowledge. So that learners can understand what they are going to learn. The facilitator can check this through the task or exercise fill up by learners. If the learners are not aware about basic structure about the second language then first teach them that that will be helpful to them in learning more.
First, studies the present level that means their pre-knowledge then studies their desire level in need based analysis. E.g. in class-5, learner needs can be basic like cartoon, cycling, games, story-books, blind man’s bluff. That type of basic need can be of standerd-5 learners. But in T.Y. of graduation, their needs can be like internet, movies chatting, etc. at that type their needs are not like the need of stendeard-5 student. Every age has its own demand means the learners are growing from childhood to adulthood, their needs must be changes what the standerd-5 student want, that must not be need of standard-12 student.
Teaching, according to learner’s needs that can be difficult task for facilitator to teach, but it helps them in their teaching. Teaching according to pre-knowledge is something very useful in learner’s life. Because what they are going to learn, they know it and mentally they can be prepare for it. Teachers teach the students as a means of communication. So, while teaching the topic at that time interaction between the facilitator and learners are important in teaching, the second language. Through that, the facilitator knows that, the learners can get it or not. The teacher can simplify the topic and then he/she can teach.
In teaching, current level, activating their oral and written skills that mean making them aware about sociolinguist contexts in which various communication strategies can be used. Through that another important objective also active that through the learning the topic, they are satisfies or not, to give them opportunities to use language in interaction. They deserve an opportunity to think, to provide information from their world of knowledge, to express, their personal opinions to disagree with other people’s, to choose among equally valid alternatives, etc. then give them relevant activities, that proves that learners are learning the topic.
In, the activities, give them the activities, that are relate to learner’s intellectual awareness. In learning, the new things in second language, intellectual awareness s more important, because if the learners are mentally involve in the activities or learning process then and then can be aware about the learning process. The activities of the topic, must challenging their cognitive and creative ability, because in cognitivism of mother tongue, learners can be the word, which he or she never learn, but in the second language learning cognitivism does not help to learn, without speak a word with that learning learners must be happy and believes that what they are learning that must be useful in future.
The third point, flexible teaching approach of learning second language is most important because, in this believes students that, that can be possible. Negative teaching of second language, have to change by facilitator. To learn with easy methods or approach that help in learning second language by learners. Failure can be avoided in teaching, always encourage them and give reward after their speech. To teach, the facilitator, have to follow various approaches rather than specific method. It is possible to be flexible and adaptable in the English classroom. If the teachers respect the students and plan their curriculum to suit the needs of the class, won’t be much difficult. Using the mother tongue in explaining the plan and purpose of the language work in the class, the context and the structure and some key words and expressions before the class starts doing the language exercise is helpful as it makes the activities communicative. Even if, there is a big class with mixed abilities, we (facilitators) can always spot a few bright and independent learners. The approach of the facilitator must according to needs of the learners.
v Conclusion:
Teaching English as a second language is opportunity to teach. If the teacher teaches according to, learner’s pre-knowledge, needs based, the learning must be there. To teach if the facilitator used flexible approach to teach, the communication must be takes place.
v Work cited:
Singh, R.K. “Teaching of English: A plea for practical Attitude”. English in India. Ed. Omkar N. Kaul. Indian Institute of Mines, Dhanbad. Print.
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